Health Tips

"Make Better,"

Cigarette Ingredients

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Cigarette Ingredients , Smoking habit was exciting. Without realizing various kinds of harmful toxins in cigarette contents into the body, triggering cancer and several other chronic diseases. If you think that nicotine is the only content of cigarettes is harmful in cigarettes is very wrong. This Nicotine is addictive component of tobacco. It is absorbed into the blood and affect the brain in 10 seconds. This causes the smoker to feel relaxed because of neurotransmitters. It also led to a wave of heart rate, blood pressure, and adrenaline (which also feels good). As a result, the nature of nicotine dependence in the brain and body to temporarily disappear. Smokers feel worse if they do not smoke. This is what strengthens the desire to smoke again.

Cigarette Ingredients,composition

On the whole cigarette is a complex mixture of compounds produced by burning tobacco and addictive. Apart from the usual stimulant nicotine, cigarette smoke also contains tar which consists of more than 4000 chemicals, including some 60 carcinogenic chemicals are dangerous. Almost all kinds of deadly substances. These substances that cause lung disease, heart disease, emphysema and other dangerous diseases. Some other well known substances content of cigarettes have adverse effects on bone and skin. You may be surprised to find the names of some chemicals in cigarette smoke. Some of them are as follows:
1. Cyanide is a chemical compound containing a cyano group.
2. Benzene is also known as benzene is an organic chemical compound which is flammable and colorless liquid.
3. Cadmium, a highly toxic metal and radioactive materials found in batteries.
4. Methanol (wood alcohol) is the simplest alcohol, also known as methyl alcohol.
5. Acetylene (fuel used in welding torches) is an unsaturated chemical compound which is also the simplest alkyne hydrocarbon.
6. Ammonia is found everywhere in the neighborhood but is highly toxic in combination with certain elements. 7. Formaldehyde is highly toxic liquid used to preserve dead bodies.
8. Hydrogen cyanide is a poison that is used as a fumigant to kill ants. This substance is also used as a substance maker of plastics and pesticides.
9. Arsenic is a substance found in rat poison.
While the resulting cigarette smoke contains tar. Tar itself contains many toxic substances into the body. This is the substance, thick sticky, and when inhaled it is attached to the tiny hairs in the lungs. This organ protects the lungs from dirt and infection, but when the tar covered this organ can not perform its function. Tar is also lining the walls of the respiratory system as a whole, narrow tubes that transport air (the bronchioles) and reduced lung elasticity. Which in turn causes lung cancer and chronic respiratory disease.
In addition, this smoke also contains carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide is a poisonous chemical found in car exhaust fumes. It is then able to reduce the amount of oxygen in the blood and organ performance pensuply blocking all the oxygen in the body. Since the body is less oxygen makes the heart have thickened and work harder to pump blood. This is the main cause of a smoker may experience a sudden heart attack.

Tips Eliminate Smoking Habit

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The combination of tobacco leaves and seeds of clove is wrapped in a neat option and interesting with the paper, making tobacco the world community needs. Cigarettes are spelled out has become a daily necessity - the day for most people of the world, without having to pay attention to good and harm. But looking good in terms of generated from cigarette smoke. Stop smoking! Whereas a lot of negative things such as smoking habit, lung cancer, impotence, heart problems and others. It has become a habit, not a few of them difficult to stop the habit despite knowing the negative side of the habit. Maybe some of these tips can help in reducing the smoking habit:
1. Embed this with your strong reasons to quit smoking, if you are so strong reasons to stop smoking then the greater is achieved. But, if the reason you only half-way there is a little thick walls blocking, because you do not have serious intentions to get rid of it.
2. Always ask yourself "how much the benefits of smoking for yourself ....? ". By trying to calculate the expenditure to buy a pack of cigarettes, then what you get from smoking ..???
3. Start by reducing your smoking portion of the day, if the bias in a day you can spend a pack of cigarettes. So try to reduce to half a pack for the first week. And for the next week try to reduce more than half a pack of 1-3 cigarettes per day.
4. Try to keep your self busy by doing positive things and remember about the dangers of smoking. With the runway number one it is not so difficult if indeed embedded solid foundations.
5. Remember Better Health from the depravity of your organs. Look how dangerous smoking for our health. Because we consume cigarettes. Remember a healthy body there is a strong soul.
Let us start living a more healthy for a better future. From now on invest in yourself. Good luck hopefully Success